San Diego Region WRF model

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NAM initialized 11km model | NAM initialized 3.7km model
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Southern California/Northern Baja California Mesoscale Model

Jim Means of Alpine, California, runs the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model from his home every six hours. Two nested domains have been configured Southern California and northern Baja California, and output from each run can be viewed on this page. The outer domain has a resolution of approximately 11km, the inner domain has a resolution of 3.7km, and the model is initialized with boundary conditions from the 12 km North American Model (NAM218). Details of the model parameters are given below:

                     WRF EMS MODEL RUN SUMMARY FOR sandiego

     Scheduled Processors              WRF REAL program         WRF ARW core           

       jmeans-h8-1520t           :          04                       04                     

     Total Processors            :          04                       04                     
     Domain Decomposition        :        Internal                 Internal               

     Active Domains                  Domain 01                Domain 02              

     Domain & Run Information           
       Primary Time Step         :  60 Seconds               20 Seconds             
       Grid dimentions (NX x NY) :  100 x 122                133 x 169              
       Vertical Layers (NZ)      :  45                       45                      
       Grid Spacing              :  11.00km                  3.67 km                
       Top of Model Atmosphere   :  50mb                     50mb                   
       Parent Domain             :  NA                       Domain 01               
       Nesting Feedback          :  Feedback On              Feedback On            
       Smoothing Technique       :  1-2-1 Smoothing          1-2-1 Smoothing        

     Timing Information                                
       Start Date                :  2013 May 23 00:00 UTC    2013 May 23 00:00 UTC  
       End Date                  :  2013 May 25 00:00 UTC    2013 May 25 00:00 UTC  
       Simulation Length         :  48 Hours                 48 Hours               
       Boundry Update Freq       :  03 Hours               
       Restart File Interval     :  06 Hours                 06 Hours               

     File Output Information          
       File Output Freq          :  01 Hour                  01 Hour                
       Output File Format        :  netCDF                   netCDF                 
       Adjust Ouput Times        :  Yes                      Yes                    

     Model Physics                 
       Dynamics                  :  Non-Hydrostatic          Non-Hydrostatic        
       Cumulus Scheme            :  Kain-Fritsch             None                   
       Microphysics Scheme       :  Lin et al.               Lin et al.             
       PBL Scheme                :  Yonsei University        Yonsei University      
       Land Surface Scheme       :  Noah 4-Layer LSM         Noah 4-Layer LSM       
       Number Soil Layers        :  4                        4                      
       Surface Layer Physics     :  Monin-Obukhov            Monin-Obukhov          
       M-O Heat and Moisture     :  Surface Fluxes On        Surface Fluxes On      
       M-O Snow-cover Effects    :  Included                 Included               
       Long Wave Radiation       :  RRTMG Scheme             RRTMG Scheme           
       Short Wave Radiation      :  RRTMG Scheme             RRTMG Scheme           

     ARW Core Model Dynamics    
       Dynamics                  :  Non-Hydrostatic          Non-Hydrostatic        
       Gravity Wave Drag         :  Off                      Off                    
       Time-Integration Scheme   :  Runge-Kutta 3rd Order    Runge-Kutta 3rd Order  
       Diffusion Sheme           :  Simple Diffusion         Simple Diffusion       
       6th-order Diffusion       :  6th-Order W/O Up-Gradient  6th-Order W/O Up-Gradient
       6th-order Diffusion Rate  :  0.12                     0.12                   
       Eddy Coefficient Scheme   :  2D 1st Order Closure     2D 1st Order Closure   
       Damping Option            :  W-Rayleigh               W-Rayleigh             
       Damping Depth from Top    :  5 Km                     5 Km                   
       Damping Coefficient       :  0.2                      0.2                     
       W Damping                 :  W Damping On             W Damping On           
       Horiz Momentum Advection  :  5th Order                5th Order              
       Horiz Scalar Advection    :  5th Order                5th Order               
       Vert Momentum Advection   :  3rd Order                3rd Order              
       Vert Scalar Advection     :  3rd Order                3rd Order              
       Sound Time Step Ratio     :  4 to 1 (Large TS)        4 to 1 (Large TS)      
       Moisture Advection Option :  Positive-Definite        Positive-Definite      
       Scalar Advection Option   :  Positive-Definite        Positive-Definite      
       TKE Advection Option      :  Positive-Definite        Positive-Definite      


More information
Looking for more information about the WRF EMS model? Please visit the Science and Training Resource Center.